Page 32 - Canine-Diseases
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is 15 worms, but that number can range from 1 to 250 worms.    especially  after meals, hysteria, aggression, pacing, inability  to
        There are four classes of heartworm disease. The higher the class,  respond to basic commands, lethargy, vocalizations,  drooling,
        the worse the disease and the more obvious the symptoms. Class  vomiting,  head pressing, sudden blindness, loss of balance,
        1: no symptoms or mild symptoms such as an occasional cough.  collapse, seizures, and coma.
        Class 2: mild to moderate symptoms such as an occasional cough
        and tiredness after moderate activity. Class 3: general loss of body   Hepatic  failure:  Is the  loss of greater  than  75 percent  of the
        condition, a persistent cough, and tiredness after mild activity.   function of the liver, occurring secondary to severe, massive liver
        Trouble breathing and signs of heart failure are common. Class   necrosis (death). Hepatic failure is most often caused by infectious
        4: also called caval syndrome, where the blood flowing back to   agents or toxins, poor flow of fluids into the liver and surrounding
        the heart is physically blocked by a large mass of worms. Caval   tissues, hypoxia, drugs or chemicals  that  are  hepatotoxic,  and
        syndrome is life-threatening. Not all dogs with heartworm disease   excess exposure to heat.  Necrosis sets in, with loss of liver
        develop caval syndrome.  However, if left untreated, heartworm   enzymes  and impaired  liver  function  ultimately  leading  to
        disease will progress and damage the dog’s heart, lungs, liver, and   complete organ failure. Consumption of certain plants, herbs, or
        kidneys, eventually causing death.                     poisonous substances, untreated heartworm, long-term use of pain
                                                               killers,  diabetes, infections,  and issues with  pancreas  can  cause
        Hemolytic anemia: Is a condition in which red blood cells  liver disease in dogs.  Vomiting, poor appetite,  and weight loss
        are  destroyed  and removed  from  the  bloodstream  before  their  are often the first signs of liver failure. Other symptoms of liver
        normal lifespan is over.  The destruction of red blood cells is  failure include excessive thirst, frequent urination, disorientation,
        called hemolysis. Hemolytic anemia can be classified as extrinsic  drooling, gastrointestinal bleeding, lethargy, weight loss, diarrhea,
        (acquired hemolytic  anemia)  or intrinsic (inherited hemolytic  jaundice, seizures, and coma. Symptoms of acute liver failure can
        anemia). Extrinsic hemolytic anemia develops by several methods,  appear with any condition affecting the liver. Conditions can be
        such as when the spleen traps and destroys healthy red blood cells  very sudden, or chronic and slow developing.
        or an autoimmune reaction occurs. Intrinsic hemolytic anemia is
        caused by a defect in the red blood cells themselves and result   Hepatic neoplasia: Is cancer of the liver. Primary hepatic
        when one or more genes that control red blood cell production   neoplasms (tumors) are less common than metastatic neoplasms
        do not function properly. With these conditions, red blood cells   in  the  liver  and  are  either  carcinomas,  carcinoids,  sarcomas,
        are destroyed earlier than normal. Symptoms resemble those of   or of hemolymphatic  origin.  Metastatic  neoplasia  of the  liver
        other anemias and include pallor, fatigue, dizziness, and possible   can originate  from multiple  visceral  organs and can include
        hypotension. Scleral icterus and/or jaundice may occur, and the   lymphosarcoma. The most common form of liver cancer in dogs
        spleen may be enlarged. See Immune mediated hemolytic anemia   is  metastatic  neoplasms.  Primary  hepatic  neoplasms  is  rare,
        (IMHA).                                                comprising  less than  two percent  of all  cancer  seen in dogs.
                                                               Primary hepatic neoplasms is most common in dogs  > 9 years
        Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE): Is a very serious condition  of age. The cause of primary hepatic neoplasms may be related
        affecting dogs and is characterized by sudden vomiting and bloody  to  environmental  factors.  Examples  of possible  carcinogens
        diarrhea.  Stress, anxiety,  and  hyperactivity  are  thought  to  be  include toxins produced by fungi that are sometimes associated
        possible contributing factors in many cases of HGE. In addition,  with spoiled pet food, food additives, certain  pesticides, dyes,
        HGE can be the result of infection with or hypersensitivity  to  plants and animal tissue. Symptoms include vomiting, anorexia,
        Clostridium  perfringens. Clinical  sign include  large  amounts  abdominal distension, pale gums, weakness, increased respiratory
        of bloody diarrhea  (bright  red  - “Raspberry  jam”  appearance),  rate, laboured breathing, weight loss, and jaundice.
        vomiting,  anorexia,  lethargy, fever, and  abdominal  pain.  The
        symptoms are usually severe and can be fatal if not treated. It is   Hepatozoonosis: Is a tick-borne disease that results in infection
        most common in young adult dogs of any breed, but especially   with the protozoan known as Hepatozoon canis. This organism is
        small dogs such as the Yorkshire Terriers, Miniature  Pinschers,   transmitted by the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The
        Dachshunds, Miniature  Schnauzers,  Miniature  Poodles,  and   disease in North America is caused by Hepatozoon americanum,
        Maltese. One of the main medical issues with HGE is the dog’s   which  is transmitted  by  the  Gulf Coast  tick,  Amblyomma
        risk of dehydration.                                   maculatum, rather than by the brown dog tick. H. canis and H.
                                                               americanum infections occur when an infected tick, the definitive
        Hepatic  encephalopathy (HE): Is a clinical  syndrome  host, is ingested by the dog. Dogs infected with either species of
        characterized  by  abnormal  mental  status,  an  altered  state  of  hepatozoon protozoa will carry the organism for life, but treatment
        consciousness and impaired  neurologic  function  that  occurs  can reduce the number of parasites and ameliorate the symptoms.
        in animals with liver disorders associated  with portosystemic  Hepatozoonosis  may  affect  the  bones,  liver,  spleen,  muscles,
        shunting, fulminant hepatic failure, or cirrhosis. Ammonia plays a  small blood vessels in the heart muscle, and the intestinal tract.
        key role in the development of hepatic encephalopathy. The liver is  Symptoms of clinical  infection  include  fever, anorexia,  weight
        unable to properly filter ammonia, which accumulates and affects  loss, bloody diarrhea, muscle atrophy, proliferation of periosteum
        the central nervous system which can lead to unusual neurological  (vascular connective tissue enveloping the bones), joint pain,
        function. Administration of live Lactobacillus and Bifidobacillus  depression, and kidney failure.
        organisms can assist in displacing ammonia-producing microbes.
        Symptoms include circling or running into walls, confusion,   Hiatal hernia: Also known as diaphragmatic hernias, form at the

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