Page 22 - Canine-Diseases
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Ridgebacks, in which it is hereditary. Kerry Blue Terriers, Shih- congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
Tzus and Boxers are other breed known to be affected.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM): Is a disease of cardiac muscle
Diabetes insipidus: Is a rare disorder that affects water metabolism, (myocardium) that results in a decreased ability of the heart to
preventing the body from conserving water and releasing too much generate pressure to pump blood through the vascular system.
of it. In dogs it can be central, caused by a lack of antidiuretic DCM is characterized by dilation of the ventricles with ventricular
hormone (ADH), or nephrogenic, caused by a lack of response of wall thinning. The clinical signs of DCM occur secondary to either
the kidneys to ADH. Neither form is common. Central diabetes decreased delivery of oxygenated blood to the body (lethargy,
insipidus is usually idiopathic, but can also be caused by head weakness, weight loss, collapse), or to congestion of blood in the
trauma or tumors of the brain. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus lungs (coughing, increased respiratory rate and/or effort, abdominal
(NDI) can be primary (hereditary) or secondary (caused by a distention) or both. DCM may predispose to the development of
variety of metabolic and renal diseases, including Cushing’s cardiac arrhythmias arising in either the atria (atrial fibrillation,
syndrome and pyometra). Most canine sufferers of the disease are supraventricular tachycardia) or in the ventricles (ventricular
unspayed females but the condition can come about with use of premature complexes, ventricular tachycardia). Arrhythmias may
medications containing progesterone. The symptoms can include predispose affected dogs to sudden death. DCM is more common
overgrowth or enlargement of gums with wide spaces between in certain breeds, such as the Doberman Pinschers, Boxers,
teeth, increased thirst and drinking, increased urination, dilute Scottish Deerhounds, Irish Wolfhounds, Great Danes, Saint
urine (so-called insipid, or dull urine), thickening of the skin and Bernard, Afghan Hounds, German Shepherds, English Springer
skin folds, enlargement of the tongue and excessive panting. Spaniels, and Cocker Spaniels. Nutritional deficiencies of taurine
or carnitine have been found to contribute to the incidence of
Diabetes mellitus: In dogs diabetes mellitus is caused by the failure DCM in certain breeds; dietary carnitine deficiency may play a
of the pancreas to regulate blood sugar. The four main symptoms role in some cases of Boxer DCM, and taurine responsive DCM
of uncomplicated diabetes mellitus are increased thirst, increased has been identified in Cocker Spaniels.
urination, weight loss, and increased appetite. The clinical signs of
diabetes mellitus are related to elevated concentrations of blood Discoid lupus erythematosus: Is an uncommon autoimmune
glucose and the inability of the body to use glucose as an energy disease of the skin in dogs. It does not progress to systemic lupus
source. Diabetic dogs have decreased resistance to bacterial and erythematosus in dogs. The most common initial symptom is
fungal infections and often develop chronic or recurrent infections scaling and loss of pigment on the nose. Direct sun exposure seems
such as cystitis, prostatitis, bronchopneumonia, and dermatitis. to aggravate symptoms. See cutaneous lupus erythematosus.
Cataracts develop frequently in dogs with poorly controlled
diabetes mellitus. Most cases of diabetes mellitus occur in middle- Diskospondylitis: Is an infection and inflammation of the
aged dogs. In dogs, females are affected twice as often as males, intervertebral disk and the end plates of the adjacent vertebrae.
and incidence appears to be increased in certain small breeds such While any disk within the spine can become infected, those
as Miniature Poodles, Dachshunds, Schnauzers, Cairn Terriers, in the lower back (lumbosacral region) are the more common
and Beagles. target location. This disease is fairly common in dogs and has
been seen with many different bacterial infections and some
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): Happens when there is not enough fungal infections. The most commonly involved bacteria include
insulin in the body to regulate levels of blood sugar. DKA is the Staphylococcus intermedius, Streptococcus, Brucella canis, and E.
most severe form of diabetes mellitus, resulting in severe changes coli. Common fungal infections include Aspergillus, Paecilomyces,
in blood chemicals including imbalances in electrolytes which can Scedosporium apiospermum, and Coccidioides immitis. Other risk
lead to abnormal heart rhythms and abnormal muscle function. If factors for diskospondylitis include surgery, periodontal disease,
left untreated, diabetic ketoacidosis is fatal. Several symptoms of skin infection, infection of the lining of the heart (endocarditis),
DKA in dogs include excessive thirst or urination, dehydration, and a deficiency of the immune system. The symptom most dogs
sweet breath, sudden weight loss, muscle loss, loss of appetite, with diskospondylitis exhibit is substantial pain originating from
fatigue, rough coat, rapid breathing, dandruff, weakness, vomiting, the portion of the spine that is infected. The most common first
sudden impaired vision, and jaundice. Female dogs, especially clinical signs of diskospondylitis are difficulty getting up from a
dogs that are not spayed, are more likely to develop diabetic down position, reluctance to jump, and an abnormal, unstable gait,
ketoacidosis. Older dogs are also more at risk. including lameness. Diskospondylitis most commonly occurs in
large and giant breed dogs. German Shepherds and Great Danes
Diaphragmatic hernia: The diaphragm is the muscle that seem to be over-represented in the population of affected dogs.
separates the abdominal organs from the heart and lungs, and
a defect in the diaphragm allows abdominal organs such as the Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC): Is a serious,
liver, stomach and intestines to enter the chest cavity. Frequently, life-threatening complication in humans and animals, previously
diaphragmatic hernias occur in conjunction with a traumatic event, called consumptive coagulopathy or defibrination syndrome. It is
such as being hit by a car; these animals can have multiple traumas a bleeding problem in which clotting factors are activated with
that require medical attention. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias an absence of injury. Micro clots form within the blood vessels,
are less commonly seen. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias are and the clotted material goes on to consume platelets and proteins,
a recognized problem in Weimeraners and Cocker Spaniels. See using them up and leaving a lack of sufficient clotting factors