Page 4 - Canine-Terminology
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Almond eyes: An elongated eye shape, rather than rounded (e.g. anti-German sentiment during the First World War, it was renamed
English Toy Terrier, Irish Setter, Akita). “American Eskimo Dog”. The American Eskimo is an affectionate,
loving dog. The breed is easy to train and they are excellent with
Alopekis: Is an ancient Greek breed of dog. The name Alopekis children because of the dog’s high intelligence and its willingness
means “small fox” or “fox-like” in the Greek language. The to please. American Eskimos are highly intelligent, inquisitive and
Alopekis as a house companion is very affectionate, reliable, love to investigate.
devoted, lively, active but not highly-strung nor yappy dog. The
typical temperament is confident, outgoing, sociable, happy and American Foxhound: Is a breed of dog that is a cousin of the
very easy to train. Protective and caring towards the other house English Foxhound. They are scent hounds, bred to hunt foxes by
pets or animals, yet a determined enemy of vermin, a very diligent scent. The American Foxhound is a very active breed and very
little worker, a capable hunter and retriever of game and quite high energy. They require a lot of exercise and do best in habitats
playful. The breed is very good with children. where they have room to run.
Alpha: Term used to describe the highest ranked or most dominant American Hairless Terrier: Is a rare breed of dog that was derived
individual of one’s sex. Used of social animals: the alpha female as a variant of Rat Terrier. An intelligent, social and energetic
of the wolf pack. working breed, the American Hairless Terrier is often listed as a
potential good breed choice for allergy sufferers. Graceful and
Alpine Dachsbracke: Is a small breed of dog of the scent hound elegant, the American Hairless Terrier is also strong and athletic.
type originating in Austria. The Alpine Dachsbracke was bred The American Hairless Terrier is not a strong swimmer and should
to track wounded deer as well as boar, hare, and fox. It is highly be monitored around water.
efficient at following a trail even after it has gone cold.
American Kennel Club: An organization, established under the
Alter: To castrate or spay. laws of the State of New York, whose goals are to adopt and enforce
uniform rules regulating and governing purebred dogs events; to
Amble: A relaxed, easy gait in which the legs on either side regulate the conduct of persons interested in exhibiting, running,
move almost, but not quite, as a pair. Often seen as the transition breeding, registering, purchasing, and selling dogs; to detect,
movement between the walk and other gaits. prevent, and punish frauds in connection therewith; to protect the
interest of its members; to maintain and publish an official stud
American Bulldog: Is a breed of utility dog descended from the book and an official gazette; and generally to do everything to
Old English Bulldog. The American Bulldog is a stocky, well advance the study, breeding, exhibiting, running, and maintenance
built, strong-looking dog, with a large head and a muscular build. of purebred dogs.
They are capable of jumping in excess of 3 feet (0.91 m) vertical
due to the dense muscle build of the breed. American Bulldogs American Pit Bull Terrier: Is a medium-sized, solidly-built,
are typically confident, social, and active dogs that are at ease intelligent, short-haired dog whose early ancestors came from the
with their families. It is not uncommon for an American Bulldog British Isles. Despite the legal status of the term “pit bull” and its
to require a high level of attention due to their highly emotional popular concept, some conservative professional breeders of the
personality. They bond strongly with their owners. American Pit Bull Terrier (ABPT) as well as some experts and
supporters claim that historically the APBT is the only true “pit
American Cocker Spaniel: Is a breed of sporting dog. Known as bull” and the only breed that would be denominated as such. The
the “Merry Cocker”, the American Cocker Spaniel breed standard essential characteristics of the ABPT are strength, confidence, and
defines the ideal dog of the breed as being “equable in temperament zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with
with no suggestion of timidity.” The breed ranks 20th in Stanley enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have
Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs, a rating that indicates good always been noted for their love of children.
“Working or Obedience Intelligence”, or trainability.
American Staffordshire Terrier: Also known as Am Staff (in
American English Coonhound: Also referred to as the American the United States of America), is a medium-sized, short-coated
English Coonhound or the Redtick Coonhound, is a breed of American dog breed. It is one of several breeds in the pit bull
coonhound that originated in and is typically bred in the Southern group. The Am Staff is a people-oriented dog that thrives when he
United States. English Coonhounds require regular exercise to is made part of the family and given a job to do. Although friendly,
keep in prime condition, but are generally mellow when not on this breed is loyal to his own family.
the prey’s tail. English Coonhounds usually make good house
pets. However, they have a high prey drive and will go after small American Water Spaniel: Is a breed of spaniel which originated
animals unless time is taken to train them otherwise. in the United States. While they are the state dog of Wisconsin, they
remain a rare breed. The American Water Spaniel is less exuberant
American Eskimo Dog: Is a breed of companion dog, originating than the English Springer Spaniel, but it is as skilled in retrieval as
in Germany. The American Eskimo is a member of the Spitz Labrador or Golden Retriever. It is versatile regardless of the type
family. The breed’s progenitors were German Spitz, but due to of terrain, and in the water it is not the fastest swimmer but has a