Page 55 - Canine-Diseases
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bronchioles and alveoli. Of the primary lung tumors in dogs, ≥80%  Proprioceptive deficits: Are abnormal body positions or movements
        are malignant. Adenocarcinoma and alveolar  carcinoma  are the  due to a lack of normal perception that causes abnormal placement
        most common types. Metastatic spread of primary lung tumors  of legs, abnormal limb position at rest (legs crossed or paws turned
        is generally to other areas of the lungs, tracheobronchial lymph  under), and abnormal wearing of the toes. Proprioception deficits
        nodes, bone, and brain. Intrapulmonary spread via the airways  can be acute or chronic. Acute proprioceptive deficit is when a dog
        occurs in ~50% of dogs with adenocarcinoma. Metastatic spread  injures themselves and chronic proprioceptive deficit is typically
        to the pleurae, pericardium,  heart, and diaphragm may occur;  associated with dogs that suffer from a degenerative disc disease or
        miscellaneous extrathoracic sites include liver, spleen, and kidney.  some other form of health issue that negatively impacts the spine
        Common signs include cough, anorexia, weight loss, reduced  which includes pinched nerves or inflammation of certain muscles
        exercise  tolerance,  lethargy, tachypnea,  dyspnea,  wheezing,  along the spine. The symptoms most commonly associated with
        vomiting  or regurgitation,  pyrexia,  and  lameness.  The  most  proprioceptive deficits include worn nails due to dogs dragging
        common clinical findings in dogs are cough, dyspnea, lethargy,  their paws in a strange manner whether from time to time or all
        and weight loss. Primary lung tumors is most common in older  the while, staggering and dragging paws,  paws knuckling over,
        dogs, but no specific breed or sex is predisposed.     unable to place paws on the ground properly, and sleeping in odd
        Proctitis: Is an inflammation of dog’s rectum, which is the last
        part of the large intestine just before the anal opening. One of the  Prostate cancer: It accounts for 0.67% of all reported malignancies
        most common causes of proctitis is colitis. Other causes include  in dogs. Prostate cancer has a very high metastatic potential and
        gastrointestinal  parasites  such as tapeworms  or whipworms,  can spread to organs like the lungs, bones and lymph nodes.
        trauma, allergic disease, and tumors or polyps. In addition, since  Prostatic adenocarcinoma is seen in both intact and neutered dogs.
        the colon is also a part of the large intestine, inflammation of the  There are two types of prostate cancers in dogs: adenocarcinoma
        colon that spreads to the rectum results in proctitis. Apart from this,  which  originates from  the  prostate’s glandular  tissue. This  type
        dogs suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, allergic reactions  is more common and  malignant.  Transitional  cell  carcinoma
        and intestinal parasite infections like whipworms and tapeworms  which originates from the urethra lining in the prostate. It grows
        develop proctitis. In addition, tumors in the large intestine can lead  slowly and is malignant. Clinical signs may include general pain,
        to swelling and internal inflammation of the rectum. Symptoms  debilitation and weight loss. Due to the enlargement of the prostate
        include constipation, straining to defecate, crying while defecating,  gland, it may push itself up against the wall of the urethra. This
        bloody stools, frequent licking of anus, and diarrhea. Boxers  exerts pressure on the penis leading to stranguria (difficulty with
        appear to be particularly affected by the condition.   urination) and hematuria (blood in the urine). Other abnormalities
                                                               include  lameness in the hind leg, humped back, weird posture
        Progressive juvenile  nephropathy: Is characterized  by the  while urinating, urge to urinate more frequently but not producing
        development of severe bilateral renal fibrosis in young dogs. The  sufficient urine and taking shorter steps while walking. Prostate
        kidneys are typically small, deformed, and never fully mature.  cancer can develop in any breed, but it most commonly affects
        This condition often results in poor kidney function and, in many  large  breeds,  and  like  most  carcinomas,  it  affects  older  dogs
        cases, kidney failure. See Renal dysplasia.            between the ages of 9-10 years.

        Progressive  retinal  degeneration  (PRA):  Also known as  Prostatic abscess:  Is  a  localized walled  off  pocket  of  infection
        progressive rod and cone degeneration, is a group of degenerative  within or adjacent to the prostate gland. The contents of prostatic
        diseases that affect photoreceptor cells. With this disease, the cells  abscess contain  white  blood  cells,  bacteria,  and  cellular  debris.
        deteriorate over time, eventually leading to blindness in the affected  Prostatic  abscesses may develop subsequent to suppurative
        dog. PRA can be divided into either  dysplastic disease, where  prostatitis.  Alternatively, they may develop due to secondary
        the cells develop abnormally, and degenerative, where the cells  infection  of prostatic cysts.  Escherichia coli is the most
        develop normally but then degenerate during the dog’s lifetime.  common  agent  of prostatic  infections.  Proteus spp,  Klebsiella
        Usually, the first sign of progressive retinal atrophy is nyctalopia  spp,  Streptococcus spp,  Staphylococcus spp,  Pseudomonas spp,
        (night blindness), including a reluctance to go outside at night or  Mycoplasma spp, and Brucella spp have also been isolated from
        to navigate unfamiliar areas in dimness or darkness. Other signs  prostatic  abscesses. Dogs with prostatic  abscesses may present
        can include reluctance to jump on or off furniture during darkness,  with signs of systemic illness (e.g., pyrexia, anorexia, lethargy) and
        decreased menace response, cloudy or opaque eye surface, grayish  may show moderate to severe pain during defecation, urination,
        discoloration of the surface of the eye, greenish sheen to the eye,  and abdominal palpation. Prostatic abscesses occur rarely in dogs.
        cataracts, bumping in obstacles, stumbling over objects, pawing at  They occur more commonly in intact male dogs, and older dogs
        the air when going downstairs, and reluctance to navigate stairs.  are at greater risk.
        Dog  breed predisposed to PRA include  Alaskan Malamutes,
        Belgian Shepherds, Briards, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Collie, Irish   Prostatic tumors: See Prostate cancer.
        Setters,  Mastiffs,  and  Miniature  Schnauzers,  Akitas,  American
        and English Cocker Spaniels, Dachshunds, Labrador Retrievers,   Prostatitis: Inflammation of the canine prostate gland usually is
        Papillons, Poodles (Miniature and Toy), Portuguese Water Dogs,   suppurative, and acute prostatitis may result in abscesses. Chronic
        Samoyeds, Siberian Huskies, Tibetan Spaniels, Tibetan Terriers,   prostatitis  occurs secondary to benign prostatic  hyperplasia.
        Border Collies, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and   Bacteria causing prostatitis include E. coli, Staphylococcus spp.,
        Shetland Sheepdogs.                                    Streptococcus spp., and Mycoplasma spp. Bacterial infection of

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