Page 53 - Canine-Diseases
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is known or strongly suspected to be inherited in breeds such as membranes or the skin. The most common locations of
Basenjis, Welsh Corgis (Pembroke and Cardigan), Chow Chows, plasmacytomas in dogs is the skin (86%), followed by the mucous
and Mastiffs. membranes of the oral cavity (9%), and then the rectum and
colon (4%). Other sites, such as the stomach, spleen, genitalia,
Petechia: A small pin-point area of hemorrhage within the skin eyes, uterus, and liver accounted for the remaining 1% of the
less than 1 cm in diameter. The term derives from the Italian word cases. Extramedullary plasmacytomas are most commonly found
“petecchia” a term coined to depict a “mini bruise”. These red or in middle-aged to older dogs (mean 8–10 years), with American
purple tiny spots are an indication of blood vessel leakage, thus, Cocker Spaniels, English Cocker Spaniels, Airedale Terriers,
bleeding under the skin. The white of the eyes, gums and skin Kerry Blue Terriers, and Scottish Terriers being most commonly
(inside the thigh or on the belly) are areas where the petechiae are affected
often visible.
Pleural effusion: Is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the
Phimosis: Is the inability to extrude (extend outward) the penis pleural space, which is the cavity between the lungs and the
beyond the preputial opening. The Phimosis occurs when the thoracic wall. This fluid can prevent normal lung expansion during
opening in the dog’s prepuce, the skin sheath over his penis, is inhalation, compromising breathing. Alterations in the dog’s blood
not large enough. Other causes of phimosis include injury to the pressure and protein content in the blood, or the penetrability of
prepuce, especially when it leads to the development of scar tissue, blood vessels and lymphatic function, may contribute to fluid
cancer, inflammation of the penis or prepuce, edema, or water accumulation. In addition, infections from bacteria or parasites, or
retention, within the penis. Clinical signs are variable. Usually, the even exposure to drugs and toxins can result in the fluid buildup.
problem is unnoticed until the dog attempts to mate and is unable Signs of pleural effusion include dyspnea (difficulty breathing,)
to copulate. Urine can pool in the prepuce and cause posthitis. tachypnea (fast breathing), coughing, excessive panting or
breathing with mouth open, muffled breathing sounds, extending
Pica: Is a medical issue referring to a dog’s craving for, or the the neck, taking unusual positions to breathe easier, anxiety,
behavior of eating, non-nutritive substances such as sand, restlessness, anorexia, bluish to purplish color of skin and mucous
coal, soil, chalk, paper, metal, rocks, cloth, household cleaner, membranes, and lethargy.
medications, dirt, garbage, or feces. In addition to poisoning, there
is a risk of gastro-intestinal obstruction or tearing in the stomach Pneumothorax: Is the abnormal presence of air within the
or blockage of the esophagus. In most cases, pica is a compulsive chest cavity, which restricts the lungs from inflating normally
behavior problem. In addition, pica in dogs may also be a sign of during inhalation. Pneumothorax is classified as open or closed
immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, especially when it involves and according to the causative mechanism such as traumatic or
eating substances such as tile grout, concrete dust, and sand. spontaneous. Open pneumothorax results from a penetrating
Other medical causes of pica include inflammatory bowel disease, thoracic injury that permits entry of air into the chest, while
diabetes, intestinal parasites, increased hunger, neurological closed pneumothorax is the accumulation of air originating from
disease, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition, and thyroid disease. Pica the respiratory system within the pleural space. In some cases,
may also be caused by behavior disorders such as anxiety or stress, the air may come from both sources. Traumatic pneumothorax
trying to get attention, boredom, depression, frustration, and lack is the most common form of pneumothorax in dogs. Causes of
of socialization. Effects of pica include ulcers, vomiting, diarrhea, pneumothorax in dogs include blunt trauma, chest injuries that
halitosis, straining or inability to defecated, black, tarry stools, penetrate into the chest cavity, a surgical incision into the chest,
drooling abdominal pain, gastrointestinal blockage, choking, perforation of the esophagus, trauma to the windpipe, lung
sneezing or coughing, infection, poisoning, lethargy, and collapse. disease, and foreign body migration. Spontaneous pneumothorax
occurs when atmospheric air enters the chest cavity with no
Pigmentation: The presence of melanin or pigment within the skin. clinical history of trauma or iatrogenic penetration into the chest
Amount of pigmentation may be influenced by genetics and by cavity. Dogs with spontaneous pneumothorax may show signs of
trauma or lesions within the skin. Melanocytes (pigment producing lung disease. Traumatic pneumothorax is generally open, while
cells) are mainly located in the basal layer of the epidermis but also spontaneous pneumothorax is always closed. Studies have shown
in the superficial dermis and in the cells surrounding hair follicles, that Siberian Huskies have a significantly greater incidence of
sebaceous glands and sweat glands. An increase in pigment is primary spontaneous pneumothorax than other breeds.
called hyperpigmentation, a decrease is called hypopigmentation.
Pododermatitis: Also known as interdigital pyoderma, is
Plaque: A primary lesion of the skin which appears as a large, flat- inflammation of the skin of the foot or paws. Affected tissues may
topped elevation greater than 1cm diameter which can be palpated include interdigital spaces, foot pads, nail folds (paronychia),
as a solid mass. Formed by either the expansion of individual claws, or other tissues of the foot. Bacterial, fungal, and parasitic
papules or merging of several neighbouring papules. infections can cause this skin inflammation to develop. Other
potential causes for pododermatitis can include cancer, trauma,
Plasmacytomas: Plasma cell tumours are derived from cells poor grooming, decreased levels of thyroid hormones, increased
of the B lymphocyte plasma cell lineage. There are two types levels of steroids present, and irritants from the environment.
of plasmacytomas, medullary and extramedullary. Medullary Symptoms include lameness, reddened or swollen paws, painful
plasmacytomas are found in the bone marrow and extramedullary and itchy paws, fluid buildup in the paws, abscesses on the paws,
plasmacytomas are found in the soft tissue such as the mucous