Page 42 - Canine-Diseases
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chemicals.  Symptoms of leukemia in dogs include  pale  gums,  genetically predisposed. Dogs with hypothyroidism are also prone
         pale or white color in the tongue, anorexia, dyspnea (difficulty in  to developing fatty tumors.
         breathing), weight loss, irregular heart rate, anemia, swelling of
         the lymph nodes, enlarged spleen, fever, vomiting, dehydration,  Liver cancer: Is usually metastatic in dogs. Primary tumors are and
         bruising, recurring infects, lameness, and behavioral changes. The  include benign hepatocellular adenoma (hepatoma) and malignant
         condition mostly occurs in older dogs, with no strong connection  hepatic carcinoids. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most
         to gender or breed.                                    common type of primary liver cancer (cancer that originates from
                                                                the liver), but there are a few other types of liver cancer that can
         Lichenification:  Is a  term  describing  a  common  cutaneous  affect dogs, including bile duct carcinoma, neuroendocrine tumor,
         reaction to chronic disease. The skin becomes markedly thickened  and mesenchymal tumor (sarcoma). HCC can present in three
         with exaggerated markings so that the end result in severe cases  different  ways.  The  tumor  could  be  massive,  which  means  the
         may resemble elephant skin Often skin has increased pigment  cancer is made up of a single large tumor and is not necessarily
         (hyperpigmentation). The majority of cases are the result of an  a description of tumor size; it could be nodular, which means
         underlying  pruritic  skin disease with selftrauma  from rubbing  there are several masses spread throughout the liver; or it could
         and scratching responsible for the lesion. The underlying causes  be diffuse, which involves the entire liver. Metastatic cancer of
         include atopy, food hypersensitivity, food intolerance, pyoderma,  the liver is usually associated with pancreatic cancer, lymphoma,
         demodicosis (manage), sarcoptic mange (scabies), chronic  intestinal carcinoma, thyroid cancer, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma,
         endocrine disorders, Malassezia dermatitis acanthosis nigricans,  mast cell  tumors, hemangiosarcoma,  mammary  carcinoma,
         and keratinisation disorders.                          pheochromocytoma,  and transitional  cell  sarcoma.  Symptoms
                                                                include weight loss, anorexia, fever, lethargy, weakness, excessive
         Lick granuloma: Also known as acral lick dermatitis  or acral   thirst (polydipsia), abdominal distension, and diarrhea.
         pruritic nodule, is a skin condition occasionally seen in dogs. The
         name for this condition stems from its location (acral-meaning on  Liver failure: Is common in dogs. Signs include vomiting, loss of
         the extremities) and from its cause (licking). The excessive licking  appetite, weight loss, and jaundice. Causes include bacterial or viral
         causes a well circumscribed, raised, firm, alopecic, and eroded to  infection, toxic insult, cancer, copper storage diseases, or it may
         ulcerated plaque or nodule. The lesions are prone to infections,  be idiopathic. Acute hepatic failure is a condition characterized by
         which make them itchier, and leads to a self-perpetuating cycle  the sudden loss of 70 percent or more of the liver’s function due to
         of itching and licking. Some of the factors that may contribute  sudden, massive, hepatic necrosis (tissue death in the liver).
         to lick granulomas include itching (allergy may initiate the lick
         granuloma); pain (painful joint or bone); boredom (focusing their  Lumbosacral  syndrome: Also known as  Cauda  equina  (Latin
         attention on excessively licking a limb); stress (licking relieve their  “horse’s tail”), is the compression of the nerve roots and spinal
         anxiety); obsessive-compulsive disorder; and foreign body (thistle  cord as they pass through the lower back; it can be congenital
         spine, splinter or bee sting might start up a reaction in the skin).  (present  at  birth)  or acquired  (developed  after  birth). The  term
         Breed  predisposed  to  lick  granuloma  include Airedale Terriers,  sacral refers to the sacrum, which is the part of the spine that joins
         Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers,  the lumbar spine and the pelvis. The lumbosacral joint is one of the
         Labrador Retrievers, Great Danes, Boxers, Irish Setters and  highest-motion joints of the spine. The pressure may be due to a
         Weimaraners.                                           narrowed spinal canal, an infection in the disc at this joint, trauma,
                                                                a spinal tumor or instability at this joint. Dogs with lumbosacral
         Lip fold dermatitis: Is a form of superficial pyoderma that occurs  syndrome often have a long-term history of one or more of the
         in the dog and most commonly occurs in the lip folds, but it may  following problems: lower back pain, reluctance to jump or work,
         occur in any skin fold on the body. The infection occurs secondary  hind limb pain, hind limb  lameness, hind limb  weakness, hind
         to irritation, poor ventilation  and moisture from tears, saliva,  limb incoordination, urinary or faecal incontinence, and weakness
         glandular secretions or urine. In severe cases, skin and subcutis  of, or reluctance to wag their tail. The average age of onset is 7
         may slough. Obesity is also considered to be a factor in some  years, and the condition is seen most often in large breed dogs,
         cases. Certain breeds are more susceptible, which include Basset  particularly the German Shepherds.
         Hounds, Bloodhounds, English Bulldogs, Pekingese, Pugs, Saint
         Bernards, Shar Peis, Shih-Tzus, and Spaniels.          Lung cancer: Is usually the result of metastasis  in dogs.
                                                                Primary tumors are rare. The most common type is pulmonary
         Lipoma: One of the most common benign neoplasms (tumours)  adenocarcinoma.  There  are  two type  of lung cancer  diagnosed
         of canine skin originating from subcutaneous fat cells (lipocytes).  in  dogs.    The  first  is  primary  lung  cancer  which  is  defined  as
         Tumours are often found in older dogs particularly on the thorax  lung tumors that originate in the lung tissue.  The second type is
         and may be single or multiple, well circumscribed, soft lesions  metastatic lung cancer which is cancer that originates elsewhere
         in the subcutaneous tissue. Another sub-classification of benign  in the body such as a leg bone, the mouth, or the thyroid gland,
         lipomas  are  infiltrative  lipomas.  These  typically  invade  locally  but has spread to the lung via the bloodstream. The environment
         into muscle tissue and fascia and may need to be removed.  in which the dog lives is an important  factor to the potential
         Fatty skin tumors develop more easily in some dog breeds than  threat of developing lung tumors. Just as with humans, second-
         others. Labrador Retrievers,  Shetland  Sheepdogs, Schnauzers  hand smoke in the dog’s home due to a smoking owner correlates
         (miniatures), Golden Retrievers, and Doberman Pinschers may be  with an increased incidence of lung cancer in dogs. Symptoms

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