Page 38 - Canine-Diseases
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Australian Cattle Dogs, Pomeranians, Maltese, West Highland include lupus erythematosus erythema multiforme, pemphigus
Terriers and Basenji breeds. and adverse drug reactions. Cell bands often include lymphocytes
and plasma cells.
Insulinoma: Is a term used to describe an insulin-secreting mass.
Insulinomas are functional tumors (one that produces a hormone) of Interstitial cell tumor: Also known as Leydig cell tumors, are a
the beta cells of the pancreas. This malignant tumor of the pancreas benign tumors of the testicle more common in older dogs and is
secretes excessive amounts of insulin leading to hypoglycemia. seen in all breeds, although boxers may be predisposed. They are
They usually occur in middle-aged to older dogs, usually 8-12 made up of an overgrowth of interstitial cells of Leydig which are
years of age. Most insulin-secreting tumours are malignant islet found normally in the testicle. Leydig cells produce testosterone
cell carcinomas which metastasize to regional lymph nodes and/ when stimulated by another hormone, lutropin. Many individuals
or the liver. The most common symptom of an insulinoma is do not show any clinical signs. Occasionally, these tumors are
physical collapse, or loss of consciousness (syncope). Seizures, associated with estrogen secretion, causing feminization (female-
extreme weakness, muscles tremors, trembling, incoordination, like characteristics) and bone marrow suppression. Causes
unusual behavior, and other neurological abnormalities are also can be due to advanced age, exposure to chemicals, infection,
common. Some of the most common pure breeds at risk are Irish radiation exposure, and undescended testicles. Symptoms include
Setters, German Shepherds, Boxers, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, gynecomastia (enlarged breasts), a pendulous prepuce (sheath that
and Labrador Retrievers. covers the penis), alopecia, hyperpigmentation, decreased libido
and fertility, bleeding, weakness (due to anemia), and infection.
Interdigital pyoderma: Also known as interdigital dermatitis Testicular tumors are benign and can be permanently cured by
or pododermatitis, is a bacterial infection of the skin of the foot. castration.
It refers to the appearance of inflammation, sores and lesions on
any part of the foot caused by infection. Affected tissues may Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD): Is sometimes referred to as
include interdigital spaces, footpads, nail folds (paronychia), a slipped or herniated disc. It is a condition when the cushioning
and nails. Since numerous diseases can cause a secondary foot intervertebral discs between the vertebrae of the spinal column
infection, interdigital pyoderma is considered a symptom of an become displaced, deteriorate, bulge out, rupture, or burst
underlying problem. Allergies can cause itchy feet, and excessive (herniate) into the spinal cord space. These discs then press on
scratching can lead to the onset of interdigital pyoderma. It can the nerves running through the spinal cord causing pain, nerve
accompany autoimmune diseases such as lupus and pemphigus. damage, and even paralysis. Intervertebral disc degeneration
Other diseases that manifest with interdigital pyoderma as a results in diminished shock-absorbing capacity. IVDD mostly
symptom include pancreatic cancer, liver cirrhosis and cutaneous occurs in a dog’s neck or the last few ribs to the low back area.
lymphoma. Hookworm infestation is also a possible cause. The Neck lesions may affect a dog’s front legs or both front and rear,
symptoms will vary based on the cause of the infection. Affected while back lesions will affect the back half of a dog’s body. There
paw tissue may present with pruritis (itchy skin), erythema are two types of IVDD. Type 1 IVDD is characterized by rupture of
(redness of skin), edema with or without nodules, paronychia (nail the middle part of the disc (the nucleus pulposus) through tears in
disease), alopecia, ulceration, paw pad involvement, comedones, the outer part of the disc (the annulus fibrosis). This is also known
and draining serosanguineous (blood and a clear yellow liquid) as a “slipped” disc. This type of disc disease occurs secondary
or seropurulent (mixture of serum and pus) exudates. The feet to abnormal degeneration of the nucleus pulposus, where it loses
may be grossly swollen. The skin may be moist from constant its normal water content and becomes firm or “calcified.” Type 2
licking and/or infection, and varying degrees of pain, pruritus, and IVDD is caused by chronic bulging of the outer part of the disc on
lameness may be evident. In some cases, the interdigital nodules the spinal cord. The condition is typically slowly progressive and
are not tender and are unresponsive to treatment and may be scars may or may not be painful. The chronic spinal cord compression
from previous lesions. Cases of canine interdigital pyoderma are with type 2 IVDD often causes atrophy of the spinal cord.
common in general practice. One or more feet may be affected. Symptoms of IVDD in dogs may include unwillingness to jump,
Lesions can spontaneously resolve, wax and wane, or may persist shivering, lameness, crying out in pain, anxious behavior, stiffness
indefinitely. Studies have suggested that Labrador Retrievers have of the neck, muscles spasms over back and neck, hunched back
wide-based paws with greater distance between pads, predisposing or neck, anorexia, urinary and fecal incontinence, Paresis (partial
them to paw disease. See Pododermatitis and Pyoderma. loss of movement or weakness), and paralysis. Breeds of dog that
are predisposed to IVDD include the Dachshunds, Beagles, Basset
Interface dermatitis: Skin disease characterised by Hounds, Corgis, Cocker Spaniels, Bulldogs, Miniature poodles,
histopathological changes involving the junction between the Chihuahua, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Doberman
dermis and epidermis. Changes typically include either hydropic Pinschers, Pekingese, and Shih Tzus.
degeneration or lichenoid infiltrate. Hydropic degeneration is
increased water absorption of cells generally associated with Intussusception: Is also referred to as “telescoping intestine.”
ischemia, toxic injury or autolysis. Examples of diseases in Intussusception is a condition in which one segment of the intestine
which this may be observed in the dermo-epidermal junction (the intussusceptum) telescopes or invaginates (folds) into the
include cutaneous adverse drug reactions, lupus erythematosus, lumen of an adjacent segment of intestine (the intussuscipiens).
vasculopathies, and erythema multiforme. Lichenoid (lichen-like) This telescoping effect can lead to a partial or complete
infiltrate describes a banded infiltrate occurring parallel to the mechanical obstruction and can compromise the blood flow to the
epidermis. Examples of diseases in which this may be observed trapped portion of GI tissue. Intussusceptions may occur at any