Page 37 - Canine-Diseases
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foreign and destroys them. Secondary IMHA can be triggered by compromised immune system, weakened endocrine system.
a variety of conditions, such as cancer, infection, blood parasites, Symptoms of impetigo include areas of acne or rash, small patches
drug reactions, snake bites, exposures to chemicals and toxins, of inflamed skin, pus filled blisters, pain, oozing lesions, skin
bee stings, and allergic reactions. Symptoms may include pale discoloration, crust and scales, scratching, licking, biting areas
gums, weakness, shallow rapid breathing, faster pulse, anorexia, of infection, hair loss, depression, and weight loss. Impetigo is
weight loss, black/tarry stools, and the behavioral condition pica, commonly seen in breeds like Boxers, Bulldogs, Chinese Shar-
especially when involving the eating of concrete dust, tile grout, Peis, Mastiffs, German Shepherds, and Pugs.
or sand, may be a sign of hemolytic anemia. The most commonly
affected breeds include Irish Setters, Miniature Poodles, English Infectious tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough): Affected dogs
Springer Spaniels, American Cocker Spaniels, Bichon Frises, usually have a dry hacking cough. With treatment, most dogs
Collies, Doberman Pinschers, Vizsla, Scottish Terriers, Miniature rapidly improve and fully recover.
Schnauzers, and Old English Sheepdogs.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Is a group of diseases in
Immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA): Is a condition where dogs that are idiopathic and characterized by the presence of
the immune system stimulates an inappropriate inflammatory inflammatory cell infiltrates in the stomach and/or intestinal walls.
response in one or more joints and has no identifiable infectious The various forms of IBD are classified by anatomic location and
component. In IMPA, the immune system is inappropriately the predominant cell type involved. Lymphocytic-plasmacytic
activated to send white blood cells to the joints. The white blood enteritis is the most common form in dogs and cats, followed
cells release chemicals and enzymes into the fluid that bathes the by eosinophilic inflammation. There are occasional reports of
joints, disrupting the protective function of this fluid. IMPA is inflammation with a granulomatous pattern (regional enteritis).
categorized as erosive or non-erosive. Erosive IMPA demonstrates Though the exact cause of IBD is not known, abnormal immune
radiographic evidence of cartilage and subchondral bone system response is thought to be initiated by normal inhabitant
destruction in one or more joints. Non-erosive IMPA demonstrates bacteria of the intestine and is suspected to be the cause of
no radiographic signs of bone or cartilage destruction. In IMPA inflammation. In addition, certain genes, which are important
commonly affected joints include the carpus, tarsus, stifle, and components of normal immune responses and food allergies are
elbow; bilaterally symmetric joint involvement is frequent. Spinal suspected to play a major role in this disease. Most dogs with
pain may also occur because of intervertebral joint inflammation. IBD have a history of recurrent or chronic vomiting or diarrhea.
Most dogs present with a stiff, stilted, or “walking on eggs” gait, During periods of vomiting or diarrhea, the dog may lose weight,
lameness, reluctance or inability to stand, and joint pain and but is normal otherwise. Symptoms of IBD include diarrhea, fluid
effusion. Systemic signs include anorexia, weight loss, fever, buildup in abdomen, fever, weight loss, fatigue, depression, chronic
lethargy, and lymphadenopathy (lymph nodes are abnormal in intermittent vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, borborygmus
size, number, or consistency). This condition in dogs is similar to (rumbling and gurgling abdominal sounds), anorexia, bright red
the rheumatoid arthritis in people. Dogs of all ages and breeds may blood in stool, and poor coat hair. Some breeds may be predisposed
develop IMPA. to IBD, including Basenjis, Norwegian Lundehunds, Soft-coated
Wheaten Terriers French Bulldogs, German Shepherds, American
Imperforate lacrimal punctum: Is a congenital disorder of dogs Cocker Spaniels, Yorkshire Terriers, Chinese Shar Pies, and Irish
involving the lack of an opening to the nasolacrimal duct (tear Setters.
duct) in the conjunctiva. The lacrimal punctum is the opening
in the corner of the eye through which the tears drain into the Inguinal hernia: Is a condition in which the abdominal contents
nasolacrimal duct. Symptoms of imperforate lacrimal punctum are protrude through the inguinal canal or inguinal ring, an opening
epiphora (excessive watering of the eye), rust colored staining at which occurs in the muscle wall in the groin area. Inguinal hernia
the corner of the eye or down the face, blepharospasm (excessive can be reducible, in which the protrusion is simply abdominal
blinking), rubbing the affected eye or scratching at the eye, and lining or fat and may safely be pushed back into the abdomen by
swelling of the eye. Breeds that are predisposed to this condition a veterinarian or an irreducible inguinal hernia in which part of
include the Samoyeds, American Cocker Spaniels, Poodles, one or more abdominal organs are protruding from the opening.
Bedlington Terriers, and Golden Retrievers. Inguinal hernias may be uncomplicated or complicated. In
uncomplicated inguinal hernia, a soft swelling in the groin area,
Impetigo: Is a bacterial skin infection in dogs caused by which may occur on one or both sides of the body. A complicated
Staphylococcus, more commonly referred to as a Staph infection. inguinal hernia is one in which contents of the abdominal cavity
Impetigo in dogs primarily impacts puppies and therefore is also have passed through the opening and become entrapped. Inguinal
known as puppy impetigo, puppy pyoderma (a technical way of hernias may be acquired or congenital. Factors which predispose
saying “skin infection”), and juvenile pustular dermatitis. This a dog to develop an inguinal hernia include trauma, obesity, and
skin infection is usually seen in puppies less than one year of pregnancy. Symptoms include swelling in the groin area, warmth
age. Characteristic lesions are non-follicular subcorneal pustules at the swollen site, vomiting, noticeble pain, frequent attempts to
in lightly haired areas of skin, particularly the ventral abdomen urinate, bloody urine, anorexia, and malaise or depression. Inguinal
and axillary regions. Generally non-pruritic (pruritus may indicate hernia is most commonly found in the Pekinese, Basset Hounds,
infection of the hair follicle - see Folliculitis). Causes for impetigo Cairn Terriers, American Cocker Spaniels, Miniature Pinschers,
can be due to fleas, food allergy, insect bite, mange, urine scalding, Lhasa Apsos, English Springer Spaniels, Collies, Bull Terriers,