Page 19 - Canine-Diseases
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cavity, spreading to the nervous system, then the skin, digestive urinating at night or having accidents, increased appetite, pot-
system, eyes, lymph nodes, bone, muscle, heart and other organs. bellied abdomen, obesity, fat pads on the neck and shoulders,
Symptoms will vary and depend greatly on the organ systems loss of hair, muscle weakness, lethargy, darkening of skin, easy
affected by the fungus. Clinical signs include lesions in the nasal bruising, hard white scaly patches on the skin (calcinosis cutis),
cavity, lung granuloma, sneezing, nasal discharge containing and infertility. Certain breeds are at a higher risk of developing
mucous and pus, nose bleeds, noisy breathing, coughing, seizures, the Cushing’s disease that include Poodles, Dachshunds, Boston
head tilt, wobbly uncoordinated or “drunken” movements, skin Terriers, Boxers, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, and
ulceration, swollen lymph nodes, vomiting and diarrhea, lack of Beagles.
appetite, weight loss, lethargy, eye lesions, eyeball protrusion, and
blindness. In one study, 52% of affected dogs were euthanized, or Cutaneous adverse food reactions: Includes both food
diagnosed after death. 24% of dogs treated were in recovery with hypersensitivities (mediated by the immune system) and food
3 to 13 months of treatments. intolerances (not involving the immune system). Cutaneous adverse
food reaction are also known by the less descriptive term “food
Cryptorchidism: Is when one (unilateral) or both (bilateral) allergies.” Gastrointestinal abnormalities, including vomiting,
testicles are retained in the abdomen or inguinal canal (the passage diarrhea, change in frequency of bowel movements, and pica, are
through the abdominal wall into the genital region through which only a few of the clinical signs that may occur independently or
a testicle normally descends) past a normal stage of development. concurrently with cutaneous reactions, including pruritus, urticaria,
Sometimes the testicle will be located just under the skin in the otitis, and skin infections. An elimination diet over several weeks
groin region, between the inguinal canal and the scrotum. If the using a protein source and a carbohydrate source previously not
dog is unilaterally cryptorchid the normal testicle will often shrink fed is still the diagnostic tool of choice. Home-cooked as well as
(atrophy). It is a common occurrence in dogs and is thought to commercial hydrolysed diets are recommended.
be a sex-limited autosomal recessive trait. Certain congenital
abnormalities may occur with cryptorchidism and these include Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: Cutaneous (dicoid) lupus
patellar luxation, shortened or kinked tail, tetralogy of Fallot, erythematosus is one of the most common immune-mediated
tarsal deformity, microphthalmia, and upper eyelid agenesis. skin diseases in dogs. Factors that are suspected to bring on the
disease include drug reactions, viruses, and ultraviolet (UV) light
Cryptosporidiosis: Cryptosporidium is a genus of water-borne exposure. Symptoms of cutaneous lupus erythematosus depend on
parasitic protozoans responsible for causing cryptosporidiosis, where the immune system is attacking the body and include skin
a severe diarrheal illness in dogs, humans and many other depigmentation (loss of pigment) on the lip and tip of the nose,
mammals. Cryptosporidium canis infects dogs. It is a water-borne formation of erosions and ulcers, loss of tissue and scar formation,
illness most often seen in young dogs who play in bodies of fresh and chronic, fragile lesions which may bleed spontaneously. These
water. Infection of animals and people alike occurs as a result of lesions most commonly affect the skin around the eyes, on the ear
swallowing infective oocysts, primarily in contaminated drinking flaps (pinnae), and around the genitals. Collies, German shepherds,
water or recreational water such as swimming pools and water Siberian Huskies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Alaskan malamutes, Chow
parks. The parasite is protected by an outer shell that allows it to Chows, and their crosses are predisposed.
survive outside the body for long periods of time and makes it
very tolerant to chlorine disinfection. In addition, direct contact Cutaneous mucinosis: Mucin is what makes Shar-Pei skin folds
with feces from an infected animal or eating off of a contaminated and gives them padding on their muzzles and hocks. This condition
surface where an infected animal has defecated can also cause is considered normal in Shar-Pei dogs. Sometimes excessive mucin
infection. Symptoms of cryptosporidiosis in dogs include violent bubbles up in the skin, forming vesicles. This is called cutaneous
watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, mucinosis. These vesicles can be fragile and spontaneously break
dehydration, weight loss, loss of appetite, extreme thirst, weakness if the condition is severe or the bubbles of mucin may rupture
and lethargy. Cryptosporidium infection is of particular concern in during rough play, etc., causing the sticky substance to ooze out.
humans who are immuno-compromised. Mucinosis is most often seen on the neck, shoulder area, hocks,
forelimbs, and around the anus. It can be concurrent, or even caused
Cushing’s disease (syndrome): Also known as by, hypothyroidism. Breathing issues can occur if vesicles form
hyperadrenocorticism, is a condition characterized by an increase in the back of the mouth, causing snorting or snoring. Secondary
in glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands. There are three diseases have been associated with severe mucinosis, and can
types of Cushing’s syndrome, each of which has a different cause. include intertrigo (skin fold inflammation), bacterial infections,
Identifying the cause is important because the various types of the and entropion. The cause of cutaneous mucinosis is believed to be
disease are treated differently and each has a different prognosis. an inherited genetic mutation of the Shar Pei breed.
About 85% of cases are caused by a tumor in the pituitary gland,
while 15% are caused by an adrenal tumor. Cushing’s can also be Cuterebriasis: Also known as ‘Warbles’, is an opportunistic,
caused by overuse of steroid medications and is called as iatrogenic parasitic infestation of the skin most commonly caused by the
Cushing’s disease. The pituitary gland produces a hormone that rodent or rabbit botfly, Cuterebra spp. May rarely be caused by
signals the adrenal gland to produce cortisol; a tumor can cause Hypoderma spp. or Dermatobia spp. Adult Cuterebra flies are
it to produce the adrenal-stimulating hormone even when it is not large and bee-like and do not feed or bite. Females deposit eggs
needed. Common symptoms include increased thirst and urination, around the openings of animal nests, burrows, along runways of