Page 16 - Canine-Diseases
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also increase the risk of cleft palates. buildup oxidizes when it is exposed to oxygen on the surface of
the skin. Comedones are typically harmless. However, they can be
Coccidioidomycosis: Also known as “Valley Fever”, a sign of bacterial infections, ringworm, and hormonal diseases.
Coccidioidomycosis is a fungal disease caused by the soil fungus Clinical signs include blackheads on the skin of your dog’s
Coccidioides immitis. The early signs of coccidioidomycosis back or along the spine, pimple or wart-like bumps on the dog’s
include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite, coughing, and joint skin, localized hair loss near pimples or bumps, and itching, if a
pain. The dog may develop lameness and/or weakness, as well bacterial infection develops from comedone syndrome. Comedone
as back and neck pain. In severe cases, if the organism spreads Syndrome, or Schnauzer Comedone Syndrome, is commonly
throughout the body, becoming systemic, the dog may develop known as Schnauzer Bumps. In Schnauzers, comedones can be
seizures or blindness. Coccidioidomycosis occurs after inhalation throughout the dog’s life.
of the fungus spores. In a susceptible dog, inhalation of fewer
than 10 spores can cause illness. Infections are limited to arid and Comminuted fractures: Typically occurring due to high-energy
semiarid regions of the southwestern USA and to similar areas of trauma (the most common cause is a car accident), comminuted
Mexico and Central and South America. Although many species of fractures are common fractures in animals. It is a splintered or
animals, including people, are susceptible, only dogs are affected fragmented break in the continuity of bone or cartilage. There
significantly. are usually multiple pieces of bone at the fracture site. These
fractures are challenging to fix due to having no intrinsic stability.
Coccidiosis: Is an intestinal tract infection caused by one-celled Significant force and energy are necessary for a bone to fragment
organisms (protozoa) called coccidia. Coccidiosis typically refers and the large amount of energy will also impact the soft tissues
to gastrointestinal infections with Isospora species of coccidia. At that surround the dog’s bone. Often, those dogs experiencing a
least four different genera of coccidia can infect dogs. In puppies comminuted fracture are also experiencing other life-threatening
and debilitated adult dogs, coccidiosis may cause severe, watery injuries. Young, intact male dogs are the most likely to experience
diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal distress, and vomiting. Stress, a comminuted fracture, as they are the ones more likely to be hit
as from moving, travel and weather changes, and being in an by a car. Symptoms of comminuted fractures include swelling of
environment with other infected animals are the most common the limb, unable to use limb or bear weight, and the limb is in an
causes of this parasitic infection to develop. It is spread through awkward position.
fecal matter, and is most commonly found in puppies that have
contracted the parasite from an adult dog’s feces. The coccidiosis Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Is uncommon in dogs. It is
infection is of particular danger for young dogs, since their immune the disruption of the diaphragm which allows abdominal organs
systems are still underdeveloped. The most common coccidia such as the stomach, liver, intestine, etc. to migrate into the chest
found in dogs do not have any effect on humans. cavity. Frequently, diaphragmatic hernias occur in conjunction
with a traumatic event, such as being hit by a car; these animals
Colitis: Is an inflammation of the colon, usually resulting in can have multiple traumas that require medical attention. Two
diarrhea. It can occur suddenly and resolve without treatment types of diaphragmatic hernias occur in dogs, traumatic and
or may persist for several weeks. In chronic cases, various tests congenital, the most common type is peritoneal-pericardial
may be needed to find the cause. Common causes include stress, diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH). Signs of a diaphragmatic hernia
infection (Salmonella, Clostridium, and E. coli) or parasites include irregular heartbeat, labored breathing (especially after a
(Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and whipworms), trauma, allergies, forceful blow) and symptoms of shock. The abdomen may move
and other diseases like primary inflammatory bowel disease rapidly (palpitate) or feel empty. Reactions such as vomiting,
(lymphoplasmacytic, eosinophilic, granulomatous, and histiocytic diarrhea, and bloating can occur because of damage to the bowel
types). or stomach. In congenital cases, the symptoms may not be evident
immediately. Gradual symptoms include muffled heart sounds
Collie eye anomaly (CEA): Also referred to as collie eye defect, or heart murmurs, abdominal defects, and trouble breathing.
is a congenital, inherited, bilateral eye disease of dogs involving Signs may occur suddenly with damage to the bowel, spleen, or
the retina, choroid, and sclera. It can be a mild disease or cause liver. Certain breeds are more likely to develop this abnormality.
blindness. The chromosomes that determine the development Weimeraners and Cocker Spaniels may be predisposed.
of the eyes are mutated, so that the choroid (the collection of
blood vessels that absorb scattered light and nourish the retina) is Congestive heart failure (CHF): Is any heart disease that results
underdeveloped. The mutation can also result in other defects in in the inability to put out enough blood to meet the dog’s needs.
the eye with more severe consequences, such as retinal detachment. The two most common causes are mitral valve insufficiency
When this mutation does occur, it is always in both eyes, although (MVI), or a leaky mitral valve, the valve between the left atrium
it might be more severe in one eye than the other. It is known and the left ventricle and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). It can
to occur in Smooth and Rough Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, also be caused by heat stroke, electric shock, injury, infection,
Australian Shepherds, Border Collies, Lancashire Heelers, and developmental heart defects, or high blood pressure. Signs depend
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. on which side of the heart is affected. Left-sided heart failure may
result in coughing and difficulty breathing from a build-up of fluid
Comedo / comedones (pl): An accumulation of keratin and sebum in the lungs (pulmonary edema) and fainting. Right-sided heart
within the opening of the hair follicle. Also called a “black head”. failure may result in a build-up of fluid in the abdomen (ascites),
Often contains bacteria. A comedo looks black because the oily fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion), or fluid may also leak