Page 7 - Terminology-Procedures
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inserted into the colon to visualize the colon. This helps diagnose
        Blood gas test: Help determine oxygen levels of the blood. Tests  abnormalities such as chronic colitis.
        can be run on blood from an artery, though sometimes blood is
        taken from a vein.                                     Complete  blood count (hemogram,  CBC):  Is a  sample  of
                                                               blood that is evaluated for red and white blood cells. It is used to
        Blood glucose  (BG,  blood sugar):  Help  diagnose  diabetes  determine anemia, abnormal platelet number and abnormal white
        mellitus or insulinoma.                                blood cell count.

        Blood pressure: Is a test done to determine the pressure of blood  Computed tomography (CAT scan or CT scan): Is a specialized
        against the walls of blood vessels. This can tell how well the heart  X-ray technique  that  uses ionizing  energy to display  a cross-
        is pumping, the resistance to blood flow and blood volume.  sectional view of the anatomy.

        Blood type: An AB system is used in cats.  Cats have three blood  Contrast cystourogram:  Is an X-ray taken  of the  bladder  and
        groups.  The red blood cell proteins are: Type A antigen, Type B  urethra after a dye has been injected into the bladder to evaluate
        antigen, Type AB antigen.                              the lower urinary tract.
          Type A - Type A antigen; Type A blood; N-glycolyl-neuraminic
          acid                                                 Coombs test: Determines certain antigen-antibody reactions. This
          Type B -  Type B antigen; Type A blood;  N-acetyl-neuraminic  is performed on a blood sample and help diagnose certain immune
          acid                                                 diseases.
          Type AB - Type AB antigen; Type AB blood; Both N-glycolyl-
          neuraminic acid and N-acetyl-neuraminic acid         Crossmatching: Is a blood test used to determine the compatibility
                                                               of blood with donor blood.
        Blood typing: Determines blood type in case a blood transfusion
        is necessary. It involves taking a blood sample from the animal.  Culture and sensitivity test: Is done to determine what bacteria
                                                               are present in a blood sample (the culture) and which antibiotic
        Bone marrow evaluation (bone marrow aspirate):  Involves  works best to kill them (sensitivity).
        taking a sample of bone marrow, which manufactures red blood
        cells, white blood cells and platelets. A syringe is inserted into a  Cystocentesis (cysto): Is a procedure to obtain a urine sample. A
        bone and a bit of marrow is drawn out.                 small needle is placed through the abdominal wall into the bladder.
                                                               This is considered the best method to examine urine.
        Bone scan:  Involves  injecting  a  small  amount  of  radioactive
        material that would normally accumulate in bone. This can help  Cystogram: Is the x-ray obtained by cystography (X-rays of the
        detect the cause of lameness or bone pain.             urinary  bladder  using a contrast medium  so the  outlines  of the
                                                               organ can be seen clearly).
        Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL): Is a test in which fluid samples
        of the bronchus and alveolar (lung tissue) is obtained, usually  Cystoscopy: Is the examination of the bladder using a cystoscope,
        through use of a bronchoscope. The fluid is sent for cytology and  a tool that is inserted into the urinary tract.
        Bronchoscopy: Involves passing a fiberoptic tube into the mouth                 D
        of a patient and snaking it to the tracheal and bronchopulmonary
        tree to obtain a visual examination.                   Dacryocystohinography: Is a procedure in which contrast media
                                C                              is  flushed  through  the  entire  tear  duct  system  to  enhance  its

                                                               visibility on X-rays.

        Cerebral  spinal  fluid  test  (CSF  tap):  Samples  the  fluid  Dermatophytes (fungal culture, DTM): Is a fungal culture taken
        surrounding the spinal cord and brain. It is collected using a small  to determine the presence of ringworm fungi. A small bit of hair is
        needle.                                                plucked from the edge of the lesion and placed on a special culture
        Chest radiographs: Are X-rays of the chest cavity to visualize the
        heart and lungs.                                       Diastix: A test for glucose in the urine.

        Cobalamin: Is a blood test used to determine intestinal absorptive  Digoxin level: Is a blood test for patients on the drug digoxin to
        function and the status of the “flora” (natural intestinal bacteria).  determine therapeutic blood levels.

        Colonoscopy:  Is  a  procedure  in  which  a  flexible  scope  is  Direct and  indirect ophthalmoscopy:  Provide  a  magnified

                                       TERMINOLOGY. VETERINARY TESTS & PROCEDURES                                  7
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