Page 6 - Terminology-Procedures
P. 6

Urine culture (UC): Is done by getting a sterile sample (with a  Acetylcholine receptor antibody titer (AChRAT): Is a simple
        needle, directly from the animal’s bladder, a procedure called a  blood test performed specifically when a disease called myasthenia
        cystocentesis or cysto) and plating it on a growth medium to see  gravis is suspected.
        if any bacteria grow. If there is growth, the bacteria are tested for
        susceptibility to different antibiotics.               ACTH plasma test is a blood test: To determine concentrations
                                                               of plasma adrenocortioctropic (ACTH) hormone concentrations.
        Urine glucose test: Is a test to determine the amount of glucose  This help determine the health of the adrenal gland.
        in  the  urine.  Glucose  in  the  urine  is  commonly  referred  to  by
        veterinarians as “glucosuria”.                         ACTH stimulation test is a blood test:  To diagnose
                                                               hypoadrenocorticism  (Addison’s disease) or to diagnosis
        Urine P:C ratio: Also known as urine protein-creatinine ratio, is a  hyperadrenocoriticism (Cushing’s disease).
        laboratory test used to detect or monitor renal disease.
                                                               Activated clotting time (ACT): Is a test that helps to determine
                                                               the ability of the blood to clot by checking the intrinsic clotting
                                V                              system (Factor XII, XI, IX and VIII).

                                                               Ammonia tolerance test (ATT):  Analyzes a blood sample for
        Vaccine titer: A vaccine titer reveals whether or not the animal  ammonia levels after fasting. Afterward, ammonia is administered
        currently  has  adequate  protection  against  a  disease.  Low  titers  (ammonia is normally removed from the blood by the liver, but
        indicate  that  vaccination  will  be necessary  to provide  immune  liver disease may cause ammonia to accumulate in the blood) and
        protection.                                            blood is drawn and evaluated.

        Velpeau sling: A Velpeau sling is a method of holding the wrist  Antinuclear antibody test (ANA): Is a blood test that can indicate
        (carpus),  elbow  and  shoulder  joints  in  flexion  preventing  the  immune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjogren’s
        animal from putting any weight on the forelimb.        syndrome and/or rheumatoid arthritis.

                                W                              Aqueocentesis:  Is  a  procedure  in  which  a  sample  of  fluid  is
                                                               collected from the anterior chamber of the eye with a small needle.

                                                               Arthrocentesis (joint tap): Helps to determine abnormalities in
        Wood’s lamp examination: Wood’s lamp is a diagnostic tool which  joint fluid. The technique consists of clipping and scrubbing the
        produces ultraviolet light. Approximately 50% of the pathogenic  skin over a joint, and inserting a small needle to withdraw fluid.
        dermatophyte species Microsporum canis will fluoresce a bright
        green colour under ultraviolet light.

                                                               Bacterial cultures (culture): Are taken to determine what bacteria
                            FELINE                             are present in a sample. A culture can be taken of any body-fluid
                                                               or secretion.
                                 A                             Barium enema (barium enema contrast radiography): Is a test

                                                               in which dye is placed directly in the colon to visualize the entire
                                                               colon on X-ray. It is sometimes recommended to reveal masses or
        Abdominal radiographs: Are X-rays. They allow visualization  changes within the colon.
        of tissues and organs with the abdominal cavity or belly.
                                                               Bile acid studies (serum bile acids or SBA): Involve analyzing
        Abdominal ultrasound (sonogram):  Evaluates  the  internal  a blood sample obtained after fasting and then giving the animal
        organs of the abdomen  using high frequency  sound waves.  food. Eating causes bile to be released, but then should be removed
        Ultrasound and X rays often go hand-in-hand because ultrasound  by the liver. The test can indicate liver disease.
        shows a motion picture of the organs while they are functioning,
        while an X-ray takes a static image.                   Biopsy: Is a tissue sample removed from the animal for examination,
                                                               usually to determine if a tumor is malignant or benign.
        Abdominocentesis (abdominal tap): Is the removal of fluid from
        the abdomen using a needle to determine the type of fluid present  Blink reflex:  involves a gentle tap with the finger at the corners
        or to relieve fluid buildup.                           of the eye, and observing the completeness and speed of the eyelid

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