Page 3 - Terminology-Procedures
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CANINE                              Bronchoalveolar lavage: Is a test in which fluid samples of the
                                                               bronchus and alveoli (air sacs) are obtained. These fluid samples
                                                               are then submitted for analysis to help determine the underlying
                                                               cause of illness.
                                A                                                       C

        Abdominal radiograph (X-ray): Is a procedure that allows your
        veterinarian to visualize tissue, organs and bones that lie beneath  Canine heartworm antigen test kit: Is an immunoassay designed
        the skin.                                              to directly detect the presence of the heartworm antigen.

        Abdominal ultrasound:  An ultrasound  evaluates  the  internal  Central venous  pressure (CVP):  Is  the  measurement  of  fluid
        organs of the abdomen through the use of sound waves. Ultrasound  pressure in the right upper chamber of the heart or the anterior
        and X-rays often go hand-in-hand because ultrasound shows  a  vena cava.
        motion picture of the organs as they are functioning, while X-rays
        are a static image.                                    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap: Is the collection of fluid found in
                                                               the subarachnoid space, surrounding the brain and spinal cord, for
        Abdominocentesis: Is the procedure in which fluid is removed  diagnostic purposes.
        from  the  abdomen  with  the  use  of  a  needle.  Any  fluid  in  the
        abdominal cavity is considered abnormal and a sample should be  Chest radiograph (X-ray):  Is a procedure  that allows your
        removed for evaluation.                                veterinarian to visualize tissue, organs and bones that lie beneath
                                                               the skin of the chest cavity.
        Activated clotting time: Is a test used to determine if a bleeding
        disorder is present. This test is often done in the veterinary office  Complete blood count (CBC):  Is a blood test to evaluate  the
        as a screening test. More sensitive tests may be needed.  number of specific cells in the blood. This test is often used as a
                                                               screening test for underlying infection, anemia and illness.
        Aqueocentesis:  Is the  aspiration  (removal  by sucking action)
        of aqueous humor. This fluid nourishes the lens and cornea and  Crossmatching: Is a test used to determine if the blood that is
        maintains the proper ocular pressure.                  about to be transfused is compatible with the blood of the patient.
                                                               Incompatible transfusions can result in transfusion reactions.
        Arthrocentesis:  Is  the  aspiration  of  fluid  from  a  joint  cavity.
        A  needle  is  inserted  in  the  joint  and  fluid  is  removed  for  later  Culture and sensitivity: A bacterial urine culture and sensitivity
        examination.                                           is indicated to assess whether there is a bacterial infection present
                                                               and what antibiotics are ind icated.
                                 B                             Cystocentesis (cysto):  Collecting  urine  can  be  tricky  in  dogs,
                                                               especially if the urine needs to be collected without contamination.
                                                               Cystocentesis is the procedure in which an uncontaminated urine
        Biochemical profile: Is a blood test that assesses the function of  specimen is removed from the urinary bladder using a needle.
        internal organs, measures the electrolytes such as blood potassium,
        and identifies the levels of circulating enzymes.      Cytology: Is the evaluation of cells, either tissue or blood,    under
                                                               a microscope. Cytology can detect the presence of inflammation,
        Blood pressure: A blood pressure reveals the pressure within the  infection, bacteria, fungi, parasites and cancer.
        vessels, and it is very much like getting your own pressure taken.
        High blood pressure and low blood pressure can lead to significant
        illness and often needs medical treatment.                                      E

        Blood typing: Is a test that determines the blood type of an animal.
        Like people, dogs and cats have different blood types. Since blood  Ear swab examination:  An ear swab examination  reveals the
        types  do  not  change  throughout  the  pet’s life,  this  test  is  only  presence of bacteria, fungi and parasites, and determining  the
        needed once.                                           underlying  cause of ear  discharge, pain  or itchiness  can  help
                                                               determine appropriate treatment.
        Bone marrow biopsy: Is the extraction of a piece of bone marrow
        for microscopic examination.  Bone marrow is the soft material  Echocardiogram  in  dogs  (cardiac  ultrasound): An
        that lines the cavity of bones and is primarily found in the center  echocardiogram  is an  ultrasound of the  heart.  This  procedure
        portion of bones.                                      evaluates the function of the heart through the use of sound waves
                                                               and is most often performed by a specialist.

                                       TERMINOLOGY. VETERINARY TESTS & PROCEDURES                                  3
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