Page 6 - Glossary
P. 6

             Glossary – terminology

                    Pyrogenic:        Produces fever.

                    Refrigerant:      Cooling , reduces heat.

                    Resolvent:        Promoting resolution or the dissipation of a pathologic growth.

                    Restorative:      Brings back normal function and vitality.

                    Rubefacient:      Increases superficial circulation, producing irritation.

                    Sialagogue:       An agent that increases the flow of saliva. Also called ptyalagogue.

                    Soporific:        Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.

                    Spasmolytic:      Causing arrest of a spasm; antispasmodic.

                    Stimulant:        Excites or increases vital action.

                    Stomachic:        Induces healthy action of stomach.

                    Styptic:          Stops bleeding.

                    Sudorific:        Produces perspiration.

                    Tonic:            Producing or stimulating physical, mental, or emotional vigor.

                    Vermicide:        Kills intestinal worms.

                    Vermifuge:        Destroys or expels worms.

                    Vesicant:         An agent that causes blistering.

                    Viscoelastic:     It is both viscous and elastic; said of viscous substances used to restore or maintain the
                                      shape of the eye, especially the anterior chamber, during cataract surgery or other proce-
                                      dures performed on the anterior chamber.

                    Vulnerary:        stimulates healing of wounds.

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