Page 5 - Terminology-Herbology
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structure) of a plant, from which both a shoot and roots may Condiment: Enhances the flavor of food.
Coolant: An herb or substance that reduces body temperature.
C Cordial: A stimulating medicine or drink.
Cacumen: The tip of a structure, the top or tip of a plant. Cortex: The bark of the plant. Bark can be collected from the
root, stem, or branches.
Calefacient: An herb or substance that produce sensation of
heat. Crude drug: Natural products, which are not pure compounds
(i.e., plants or parts of plants, extracts, or exudes).
Calmative: Herbs that are soothing, sedating, see also
nervines. D
Carcinostatic: An herb or substance that arrests or inhibits
the development or continued growth of cancer, carcinomas, Decoction: A tea made from boiling plant material, usually
or malignant tumors. the bark, rhizomes, roots or other woody parts, in water. May
be used therapeutically. Natural dyes are often made this way.
Cardiac Stimulant: Herbs that promote circulation when
there is a weak heart. Decongestant: For relieving congestion-see expectorant.
Cardiac Tonic: An herb, substance, or combined formula Demulcent: Soothes, protects, and relieves the irritation
that strengthens and stimulates the heart metabolism. (Syn: of inflamed mucous membranes and other surfaces. (i.e.,
cardiac, cardiant, cardiotonic, cordial) protects stomach and urinary bladder lining).
Cardiac: An herb or substance that stimulates, tones, or Dentifrice: For cleaning teeth and gums.
restores the heart. (Syn: cardiac tonic, cardiant, cordial)
Deobstruent: Removes obstructions by opening the natural
Cardialgic: An herb or substance that causes heartburn. passages or pores of the body.
Carminative: Herb that helps to prevent gas from forming in Depurative: Tends to purify and cleanse the blood.
the intestines, and also assists in expelling it. Also increases Detergent: Cleanses boils, ulcers, wounds, etc.
absorption of nutrients, dispels water, mucus, promotes
normal peristalsis; relieves spasms and pain; improves weak Diaphoretic: Promotes perspiration, especially profuse
digestion from anxiety, nervousness, or depression. perspiration. Promotes circulation; dispels fever and chills;
eliminates surface toxins; relieves muscle tension, aching
Cathartic: Causes evacuation of the bowels. A cathartic may joints, and inflammatory skin conditions; relieves diarrhea,
be either mild (laxative) or vigorous (purgative).
dysentery, kidneys, liver, urinary, and gall bladder disorders;
Caulis: The main stem of a plant. dispels stones of kidney and both bladders. Also useful for
genitourinary disease (herpes), edema; painful, difficult or
Caustic: An herb or substance that contains acidic material burning urination or infections. See sudorific.
that has an escharotic or corrosive action capable of burning
or eating away living tissues. (Syn: acrid, corrosive, cauterant, Digestive: Herbs that assists the stomach and intestines in
escharotic) normal digestion. Examples: Coriander, cumin, rock salt, and
Cephalic: Refers to diseases affecting the head and upper
part of the body. Discutient: Herb that dissolves or causes something, such as
a tumor, to disappear. (a.k.a discussive).
Cholagogue: Herb that stimulates the flow of bile from the
liver into the intestines. Disinfectant: Destroys disease germs and noxious properties
of fermentation; these herbs destroy pathogenic microbes
Cicatrizant: Aiding formation of scar-tissue and healing (that cause communicable diseases).
Diuretic: Promotes the production and secretion of urine.
Concretio: Concretion, usually dried juice.
Drastic: A violent purgative.