Page 3 - Terminology-Herbology
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A Protozoa.
Analeptic - Restorative or stimulating effect. A drug tending
Abortifacient: Induces the premature abortion of the fetus. to restore a person’s health or strength; restorative.
Absorbent: An herb or substance that promotes absorption, Analgesic or anodynes: These herbs reduce or eliminate
soaks up liquid, or acts as a sponge. pain (e.g., digestive, circulatory, respiratory, nervous system,
Acidic: An herb or substance that reacts with an alkaloid to nerve, muscle, tooth pain, nervous digestion, and headaches).
produce a salt. Some herbs are strong pain relievers, often working best
against pains of specific causes.
Acidifier: An herb or substance that increases or imparts
acidity, or lessens alkalinity to the body fluids, especially the Anaphrodisiac: Herbs that decrease or allay sexual feelings
blood or the urine. or desires. The opposite of an aphrodisiac.
Acrid: An herb or substance that has a hot biting taste, or Anesthetics: Agent which produces a local or general loss of
causes heat and irritation when applied to the skin. (Syn: sensation, including pain.
caustic cauterant, corrosive, escharotic) Anodyne: Herbs that relieve pain and reduces the sensitivity
Adaptogen: The term adaptogen is used by herbalists to of the nerves. Also known as analgesics.
refer to a natural herb product that is proposed to increase the Anorectic: Herbs that help to reduce appetite.
body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.
Antacid: Neutralizes the acid produced by the stomach.
In 1968, Israel I. Brekhman, PhD, and I. V. Dardymov Helps the stomach lining recuperate to accommodate the
formally gave adaptogens a functional definition, as follows: healthy gastric acid needed for good digestion.
1. An adaptogen is nontoxic to the recipient. Anthelmintic: An agent that destroys and expels worms
2. An adaptogen produces a nonspecific response in the from the intestines. Same as vermifuge.
body – an increase in the power of resistance against Antibilious: Combat nausea, abdominal discomfort,
multiple stressors including physical, chemical, or headache, constipation, and gas that is caused by an excessive
biological agents. secretion of bile. These symptoms are called biliousness.
3. An adaptogen has a normalizing influence on physiology, Antibiotic: Inhibits the growth of bacteria or kills the
irrespective of the direction of change from physiological bacteria.
norms caused by the stressor.
Anticatarrhal: Help dissolve and eliminate, as well prevent
Aetheroleum: The essential or volatile oil as a distinct the formation of mucus and inflammation of the mucus
aromatic product obtained from the plant. membrane.
Alterative: Herbs that alter or change a long-standing Anticoagulant: Help the body prevent clotting of the blood.
condition by aiding the elimination of metabolic toxins.
Gradually facilitates a beneficial change in the body. Also Antidepressant: A drug that counters depression.
known as “blood cleansers” in the past, these herbs improve
lymphatic circulation, boost immunity, and help clear chronic Antidiabetic: Support in the management of diabetes, may
conditions of the skin. In addition they reduce fevers, detoxify also help body to utilise insulin more effectively.
the liver, kill parasites and worms, and help in the treatment
of infectious, contagious diseases and epidemics. Flu, acne, Antidiarrheal: Helps stop diarrhea.
herpes, and venereal diseases also respond to this type of Antiemetic: Prevents or alleviates nausea and vomiting.
Antiepileptic: Herb that combats the convulsions or seizures
Amoebicidal: These herbs treat illness caused by amoeba, of epilepsy.
e.g. amoebic dysentery. Amoebic microorganisms are
small unicellular organisms that prefer damp environments. Anti-hemorrhagic: Prevents or alleviates hemorrhage.
Although now classified as part of the kingdom Protista,
phylum Rhizopoda, amoebae were originally classified as Antihydrotic: Reduce levels of perspiration.