Page 5 - Canine-Diseases
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Alopecia: Hair loss, technically called “alopecia,” is broadly appear as a painful, red, hot swelling on one or both sides of the
defined as any deficiency in a dog’s normal hair coat. The loss of anus. If the abscess bursts, it will release a quantity of greenish
hair coat is either due to failure to grow or breakage or shedding of yellow or bloody pus. If left untreated, the infection can quickly
grown hair. Many medical conditions involve hair loss, including spread and cause severe damage to the anus and rectum.
color dilution alopecia, seasonal flank alopecia, alopecia X (“black
skin disease”), acanthosis nigricans, follicular dysplasia, congenital Angioedema: Is edema of the deep dermis and subcutaneous
hypotrichosis, pattern baldness and pituitary dwarfism. Some have tissues. It is usually an acute mast cell–mediated reaction caused
a genetic component. External parasites, fungal and bacterial by exposure to drug, venom, dietary, pollen, or animal dander
skin infections, certain drugs, hormonal/endocrine imbalances allergens. Angioedema is an acute condition, characterized by
such as Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease, hypothyroidism, non-painful subcutaneous inflammation and edema in cheeks
hyperthyroidism, allergies, stress, poor nutrition, lactation and region, oral mucosa and around the eyes. In some cases, the
cancer can all cause hair loss, with or without redness, itchiness, swelling is so severe that the dog is unable to open its eyes. The
scabbing, scaling or bleeding. condition appears suddenly, usually within 20 minutes to allergen
exposition. Angioedema can be acute or chronic (> 6 wk.). The
Anal fistulae: Also known as anal furunculosis or perianal dog can be variably itchy, nervous, and sometimes laryngeal
fistulae is a serious medical condition that most commonly affects inflammation can cause severe respiratory distress. Most affected
German shepherd dogs, but may also occur in other purebred or breeds are Bull Terriers, Boxers and French Bulldogs. Spring and
mixed breed dogs. They are characterized by chronic, purulent summer are times where angioedema is more common because of
(pus producing), smelly, ulcerating, sinus tracts in the anal region the increased presence of insects.
and surrounding skin. The condition could be compared with a
carbuncle – a many headed abscess. Poor air circulation around Angular limb deformities (ALD): Injury to young, growing
the anal region has long been proposed as a major contributory bones can result in an angular limb deformity. These injuries can
factor. Perianal refers to the area immediately surrounding the include being hit by a car, stepped on, dropped or getting a limb
anus. A fistula is an abnormal connection that forms between two caught in the doorway. The forelimb has two bones between the
tissues, organs, or vessels that normally do not connect. In affected carpus (wrist) and the elbow joint, the radius and ulna. The growth
dogs, the condition is usually associated with an infection in the plate of the ulna, located near the carpus, is particularly susceptible
perianal region, and there are usually one or more draining tracts to becoming injured, as it is shaped like a cone. This V-shaped
present. Usually, the dog will lick excessively at its tail and rectal (conical) growth plate of the ulna is responsible for about 90% of
regions. Some dogs will be reluctant to sit, some may not wag the bone’s longitudinal growth. Therefore, following damage to
their tail normally, and some may become aggressive if the tail or this growth plate, the ulna will be shorter than normal. The result
hindquarters are touched. Behavior changes are common, some is a “bow-string” effect in which the radius becomes bowed. This
dogs will become withdrawn or act depressed and others may causes the limb to become twisted and bowed near the carpus. In
appear agitated or even aggressive. addition, the elbow joint may become pulled out of alignment due
to the shortened ulna. Angular limb deformities may affect both
Anal sac adenocarcinoma: Is an uncommon and aggressive large and small breed dogs, and signs are typically seen when the
malignant tumor found in dogs that arises from the apocrine dog is less than one year of age. Lameness and twisting of the limb
glandular tissue of anal sac. They are the second most common are the cardinal signs of an angular limb deformity.
cancerous cause of hypercalcaemia in dogs, following T-cell
lymphoma. Anal sac tumors occur in male and female dogs with Ankylosis: Is the complete loss of movement in a joint caused
roughly an equal incidence. Breeds that may be more commonly by degeneration and fusion of the bony surfaces. This may result
affected include the English Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherd from injury, infection, or inflammation. Ankylosis in dogs may
Dogs, Alaskan Malamutes, Dachshunds, and Springer Spaniels. also occur as a consequence of surgical fusion of a diseased joint to
Ten years is the average age of affected dogs. correct a deformity or to alleviate persistent pain. Some evidence
exists that quality of synovial fluid may significantly impact
Anal sac disease: Anal sacs are two blind pouches located on each canine ankylosis. Though dogs can develop a rudimentary form of
side of the anus between the internal and external sphincters. The ankylosis when young, the problem typically develops with age.
walls are lined by secretory sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
Secretions, a strong smelling blend of fatty and sebaceous materials Anterior uveitis: Is an inflammation of one or more of the
and cellular debris, are released from each anal sac through a structures making up the uvea. A canine’s eye comprises three
fine duct. A small amount of this material is normally expressed primary layers: the outer layer, which includes the cornea and the
when the dog defecates. Anal sac disease is very common in dogs. sclera, the inner layer, the retina, and the middle layer, called the
Diseases include impaction (most common), infections (secondary uveal tract. The highly vascularized middle layer is made up of the
to impactions), abscesses (following infection), and neoplasia (see iris, ciliary body and choroid. In the case of uveitis, the iris and
perianal tumors). The sacs frequently become impacted, usually ciliary body become progressively inflamed, causing eye tissues
due to inflammation of the ducts. The secretion within the impacted to become damaged. The common causes include infections,
sacs will thicken and the sacs will become swollen and distended. metabolic disease, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure,
The secreted material within the anal sacs is an ideal medium for toxemia, autoimmune diseases, trauma, and lens damage. If all
bacterial growth, allowing abscesses to form. The abscess will three structures are involved, ciliary body, iris and choroid, the